Chessington World of Adventures – 2024 Review

I love Chessington! I love the rides, the shows, the events and the snacks.

Whenever we go to Chessington, we go straight to Vampire. Vampire is my favourite ride, I used to be scared of it but now I love it. I love feeling like I am flying through the trees and swinging around the park.

We then like to go to the Land of Jumanji and go on Ostrich Stampede. My dad really likes Mandrill Mayhem, but my mum and me do not like it at all. We will give it another go when we go to Chessington again but I am not sure I will enjoy it.

Every time we go to Chessington, we always try to do a new ride as a family. Next time we are planning Dragons Fury as it is the last “big” ride at the park that we have not done! I am scared but I do love spinning on rides so maybe it will be become my new favourite (I think my dad is going to hate it hahahaha).

We discovered that you can also feed the Rainbow Lorikeets during the day, this is on our list of things to do next time we visit.

We love the Enchanted Hollow at Easter as you get loads of chocolate and its fun. I do really like Christmas at Chessington too, the elves are so nice to me and it really feels like Christmas.

Ita, aged 8.

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